My Test Newsletter Post

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All India Braille Qur’an Webinar

All Praise is due to Almighty Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and Peace and Salutations be upon our Beloved Prophet Nabi Muhammad (SAW). The 6th Annual All India Braille Qur’an Webinar was held through Zoom on Sunday, 13 March 2022. Institutes serving the Blind from seven states participated with their valuable contributions. The following […]

Madrassa Visit: Pakistan

As Salaam u Alaikum wa Rahmatul Allah wa Barakatuh All praise is due to Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala. Peace and salutations be upon our beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW) I had the the opportunity of going to Pakistan on the 5 October 2022. Upon my arrival in Karachi I was met by our ex-graduate Moulana Waqar Yunus […]

Madrassa An-Noor for the Bind: Principal’s Report

Sunday, 11 December 2022 / 16 Jumada Al-Awwal 1444 All Praise is due to Almighty Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and Peace and Salutations be upon our Beloved Prophet, Nabi Muhammad (SAW). Respected Ulama Kiraam, Brothers, Sisters and Children. As Salaam- u- Alaikum- wa –Rahmatul- Allahi- wa-Barakatuh. Ahlan-Wa-Sahlan -Wa -Marhaban. Welcome to our Jalsah. […]