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  • Last Updated June 9, 2023

61 Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2

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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/00. Madrassa Introduction.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01. Chapter 4 Government Finance.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.1 Zakaat.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.10 Roman and Persian Forces.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.11 The Natives of Conquered Lands.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.12 Managing Revenues to Protect.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.13 The Ushoor Tax.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.14 The Faiy and The Ghanaaim.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.2 The Jiziyah Tax.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.3 Umar(r.a) Takes twice The Regular Amount.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.4 The Condition of a Jizyah Contract.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.5 The Kharaaj Tax.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.6 In Regard to the Distribution.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.7 How was the Policy of Collecting the Kharaaj Tax.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.8 What were the Security Benefits.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/01.9 What Impact Did Umars Decision have on Dawah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/02.1 Second The Muslim Treasury.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/02.2 Second The Muslim Treasury.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03. Third National Expenditures.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03.1 The Expenditure of Zakaat.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03.2 Spending the Revenues Acquired.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03.2.1 The Salaries of Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03.2.2 Salaries of Muslims Soldiers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03.2.3 The Distribution of the Spoils of War.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03.2.4 Issues Related to the Development.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/01 Section One/03.2.5 Allocating Lands.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04. Section 2 - The Judicial Branch of Government.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.1 First - Some of the More Important Letters that Umar(r.a).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.2 Second - The Appointment of Judges.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.2.1 The Salaries of Judges.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.2.2 Judicial Specialisation.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.3 Third - The Qualities of a Judge.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.3.1 The Duties and Responsabilities of a Judge.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.4 Fourth - Sources of Judicial of Rulings.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.5 Fifth - Evidnece on Which the Judgement may Depend.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 1 - Rullings and Punishments Carried Out by Umar (r.a).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 10 - When Al-Mugheerah ibn Shubah was Accused.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 11 - Ruling on a Woman who had intercorse.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 12 - A Woman who Accused her Husband.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 13 - Legal Punishment for Slander.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 14 - Regarding as Insignificant the Blood of a Jew.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 15 - No Blood Money is to Be paid.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 16 - If all the People of Sanaa were to take part.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 17 - The Punishment of the Sorcerer is Killing.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 18 - One who Kills his child intentionally.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 19 - Reconciling Between Blood Money.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 2 - A Man Who Stole from the Public Treasury.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 20 - O Allah I was not there.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 21 - Making the legal Punishment for Drinking alchool Eighty lashes.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 22 - Burning Wineshop where Wine was Severd.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 23 - Mary Her off as a Chaste Muslim Woman.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 24 - If a Man Divorces his Wife.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 25 - Minimum and Maximu Periods of Pragnancy.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 3 - Theft During the Year of Ramaadah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 4 - An Insane Woman Comitted Adultery.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 5 - A Dhimmi (non Muslim Subject at Hom).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 6 - Forcing Women to Commit Adultery.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 7 - Ruling on One Who Was Ignorant.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 8 - She Got Married During Her Waiting Period.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.6 Sixth 9 - A Woman Got Married and she Had a Husband.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.7 - Placing Restrictions on Personal possessions.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.8 - Execution of a Threefold Divorce.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.8 - Forbiddance of Temporary Marriage.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 4 - Government Finance and the Judiciary/02 Section Two/04.9 - Juristic views favored by Umar (r.a).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01. Section One.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.1 Makkatul-Mukarramah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.10 Kufa.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.11 Al-Madaain.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.12 Azerbaijan.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.2 Al-Madeenah Al-Munawwarah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.3 At-Taaif.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.4 Yemen.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.5 Bahrain.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.6 Egypt.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.7 The Provinces of Syria.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.8 Iraq and Persia.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/01 Section One/01.9 Basrah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01. Section 2 Nomination of the Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.1 Capability and Trustworthiness.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.10 Conditions made by Umar (ra) for his Agents.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.11 Consultation at the Time of Electing Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.12 Testing Agents Before Appointing Them.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.13 Appointing the Governor from One of the People.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.14 Appointing letter.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.15 Not Getting the Help from A Christian.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.2 The Role of Knowledge in Nomination of Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.3 Knowing How to Do the Job.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.4 Desert Dwellers and Town-Dwellers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.5 Mercy and Compassion Towards.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.6 He Did not Make Govenor.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.7 He Did not Make Anyone.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.8 Preventing Governors and Agents.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/01.9 Recording the Net Worth of his Agents.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/02.1 Second - The Most Important Characteristics of 'Umar's Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/02.2 Humbleness.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/02.3 God Fearing.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/02.4 Respect for Former Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03. Third Rights of Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.1 Obedience so long as that did not Involve sin.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.2 Giving Advice to Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.3 Transmitting News to theGovernors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.4 Supporting the Governors in his Decisions.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.5 The Governors Right to Engage in Independent Opinion.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.6 Respecting them after their Dismissal.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.7 Their Material Rights.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/03.8 Treating Agents and Governors if they Fell Sick.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04 Duties of Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.1 Establishing Religious Affairs.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.10 No Distinction Between Arabs and non-Arabs.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.2 Ensuring the peoples Security.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.3 Fighiting in Allahs Cause.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.4 Striving Hard to Ensure that People.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.5 Appointment of Agents and Employeees.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.6 Taking care of the People of Adh-Dhimmah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.7 Consulting People of Wisdom.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.8 Looking at the Developmental Needs.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/04.9 Paying Attention to the Social Affairs.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/05.1 Translation in the Provinces and Working Ours.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/02 Section Two/05.2 Working Time of Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01. Checking on Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01.1 Asking the Governors to Enter Al Madeenah by Day.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01.2 Instructing the Governors to Send Delegations.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01.3 Mail Service.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01.4 The General Inspector (Muhammad ibn Maslamah).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01.5 The Hajj Season.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01.6 Inspection Patrolling of the Regions.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/01.7 The Archive or Records of the Caliphate.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/02. Second - Complaints from the people About the Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/02.1 The Complaint of the people of Kufa.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/02.2 The Complaints Against Amr ibn Al As the Govemor of Egypt.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/02.3 Complaints Against Abu Musa Al Ashari.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/02.4 The Complaints of people of Homs Against Saeed ibn Aamir.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/02.5 Dismissal of an Agent who mocked at one.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/03.1 Third - Punishments that were Carried Out on Governors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/03.2 Dismissing A Govenor as a Result.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/03.3 Distroying Part of the Govenors' Dwellings.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/03.4 Disciplining by Hitting.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/03.5 Degrading a Governor to a Shepherd.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/03.6 Taking Away Some of the Governor's Wealth.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/03.7 Verbal and Written Scoldings.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04. Fourth The Story of the Dismissal of Khalid ibn Al Waleed (R.A).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04.1 The First Dismissal.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04.2 The Second Dismissal.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04.3.1 Summary of The Reasons for the Dismissal.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04.3.2 Differences of Views Concerningn Spending Money.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04.3.3 Difference Between the Methods of Umar (ra) and Khaalid (ra).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04.3.4 The Attitude of the Muslim Society towards.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 5 - The Jurisprudence of Umaribn Alkhattaab/03 Section Three/04.4 The Death of Difference Between the Methods of Umar (ra) and Khaalid (ra).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/01. Conquests in Iraq and East.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/01.1 Appointment of AbuUbaid At Thaqafi.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/02.1 The Battle of Al-Namariq.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/02.2 The Battle of Saqqatiyya.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/02.3 The Battle of Barosma (13AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/02.4 The Battle of The Bridge (13AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/03.a Important Lessons & Useful Conclusions.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/03.b Two Mistakes Which Caused the Setback.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/03.c Value of Field Leadership.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/03.d Al-Muthanna Raises The Morale.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/03.e Whenever Sincere Muslims are Ensnared.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/03.f Umar's Reaction Upon Receiving News.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04. The Battle of Al-Buwaib (13AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.1 Military Conference Following The Battle.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.2 Al Muthannas Remorse.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.3 Al Munthanna's Knowledge.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.4. The Stance of Wives of the Soldiers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.4.1 The Stance of Wives of the Soldiers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.5 Market Operations.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.6 The Persian Reaction.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 1/04.7 Al Farooqs Guidelines to Al Munthanna.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/00. The Battle Of Qadisiyah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01. Appointment Of Sa'd Bin Waqqaas.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.1 'Umar's Advice to Sa'd.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.2 An Other Piece of Advice.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.3 'Umar's Sermon.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.4 Sa'd's Arrival in Iraq.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.5 Sa'd Sets Out for Iraq.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.6 Letting those Apostates.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.7 Another Letter from 'Umar.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.8 Causes of Moral Victory.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/01.9 Sa'd Describes Al-Qadisiyah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/02. Al-Farooq Asks Sa'd to Send.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/03. Sa'd Sends Delegations.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04. War Preparations.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.1 Rustam Gets Scared by the Call to Prayer.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2 Morale of Muslim Troops Gets Boosted.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1 Day of Aramath.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Rustam Commands Part of His Army.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1.a Sa'd Orders the Asada Tribe .mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1.b Sa'd Asks the TamimTribe .mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1.c Heroism of Tulaihah bin Khuwailad.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1.d The Poetry Said that Day.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1.e Field Hospital.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1.f. Al-Khansa Encourages Her Sons.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.1.g. Lady from the Nkh'Tribe.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.10 Conquest of Gondeshapur.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.10.a Al-Nu'man Bin Muqarrin and Kaskar City.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2. The Day of Aghwath.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2.a. Heroic Exploits of Qa'qa'.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2.b. 'Alba bin Jahsh.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2.c. Al-A'raf bin Al-a'lam Al-'Uqaili.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2.d. Heroic Feats of Al-Khansa's 4 Sons.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2.e. Qa'qa's Stratagems.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2.f. Abu Mihjan At-Tthaqafi.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.2.g. Qa'qa' Hatches a Plan.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.3 Day of 'Amas.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.3.a Heroic Feat of 'Amar bin Ma'di Karib.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.3.b Tulaiha bin Khuailad Al-Asadi.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.3.c Qais bin Al-Mashkuh.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.3.d Poetry Recited on that Day.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.3.e The Night of Al-Harir.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.4 The Day of Qadisiyah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.4.a Rustam is Killed.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.4.b The Battle Ends.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.4.c Chasing the Fleeing Enemy.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.4.d 'Umar Gets the Good News.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Lessons and Beneficial Points.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ 'Umar's Sermon after Qadisiyah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Muslims Must Never Break Promises.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ 'Umar Return the State's Share.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ 'Umar Restore Zuhra bin Al-Haiwiyah's Esteem.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ The Muezzin is Martyred .mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Military Tactics of the Muslims.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Poetry Said at Qadisiyah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.6. The Conquest of Al-Madain.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Allah's Help and Support.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Qur'anic Verses Recited.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Conference Between Sa'd and His Troops.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ River Crossing and The Conquest.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Muslim Army Crosses the River.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Display of Trustworthiness by Muslims.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ 'Asmah bin Al-Harith Al-Dhibbi.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Qa'qa' ibn 'Amr.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ Compagnions' Praise for the Soldiers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/ 'Umars's Stance Towards Precious Items.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.7 Battle of Jalula.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.7.a The Troops Made us Eloquent.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.7.b 'Umar's Stance Towards the Spoils.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.8 Conquest of Rama-Hurmuz.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.9 Conquest of Tastar.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.9.a This Prayer is Dearer to me.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.9.b Medal of Honor for Al-Bara.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 2/04.2.9.c 'Umar's meeting witrh Hormuzan.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 3/01. The Battle of Nahavand.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 3/01.a Reconnaissance Before Moving the Army.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 3/01.b Deceptive Tactics.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 3/01.c Choosing the Timing of Attack.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/00 Expansion Into Non-Arab Lands.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/01 Second Conquest of Hamadan.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/02 Conquest of Ray (22 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/03 Conquest of Qomes and Gorgan (22 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/04 Conquest of Azerbaijan (22 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/05 Conquest of Al-Bab (DerbenT in 22 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/06 First Turko-Muslim War.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/07 Khorasan War 22 AH.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/08 Conquest of Istakhr (23 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/09 Conquest of Fasa and Darabgrid (23 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/10 Conquest of Kerman and Sijistan (23 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/11 Conquest of Makran (23 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 4/15 War with Kurds (23 AH).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/01. Important lessons and Morals learnt.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/02.The Fruits of Jihaad.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.a Allah's Universal Laws in these Conquests.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.b Allah's Universal Laws of Replacing one Nation.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.c Test and Examination.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.d Universal Law Regarding Oppression.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.e Allah's Law Regarding Evil Leaders.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.f Allah's Law Regarding Trangression and Trangressors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.g Law of Gradual Change.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.h Allah's Universal Law About Changing the State of People.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/03.i Allah's Unchangeable Way of Dealing with Sins.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 6 - Conquests In Iraq And East/Section 5/04. Al-Ahnaf bin Qais alters the Course.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01..i The conquest in Ash-shaam (levant).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01..ii Discussiom Between Khaalid and Abu 'Ubaidah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01..iii 'Umar (r.a) Replies to Abu 'Ubaidah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.1 Conquest of Damascus.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.1.i The Two Armies.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.1.ii Description of Damascus.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.1.iii.a The March to Battle.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.1.iii.b The Importants Lessons&Beneficial.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.2 The Battle of Pella Fihl.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.3 Conquest of Bisan and Tiberius.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.4 Battle of Homs (15 H).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.5 Battle of Qanassarin (15 H).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.6 Battle of Caesarea (15 H).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.7 Conquest of Jerusalem (16 H).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.7.i Diversionary Tactics.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.7.ii Surrender.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.7.iii Difference of Opinion.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/01.7.iv Text of the Treaty.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.a. Important Lessons and Beneficial Points.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.b. Mu'adh bin Jabal's Diplomatic Trip.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.c. 'Ubadah bin Samit's Role.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.d. Umm Hakim bint Al-Harith in the battle.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.e. The Roman Caesar Flees the Levant.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.f. Allah The Almighty Honored You.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.g. 'Umar's Sermon at Jabiya.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.h. The World Change us All.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.i. A Comment on the Text of The Jerusalem Pact.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/02.j. 'Umar Prays at the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 1/03. Romans Attempt to Retake Homs.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 2/01. The Conquest of Egypt and Libya.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 2/02. Route of the Conquest.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 2/02.i Conquest of Pelusium (Al-Farama).mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 2/02.iii Conquest of Umm-Danin.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 2/02.iv Battle at the Castle of Babylon.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 2/03. Conquest of Alexandria.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 2/04. Conquest of Barca and Tripoli.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 3/01. Important Lesson Learnt from Conquest.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 3/02.ii Ambush.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 3/03. Glad Tidings of the Victory to the Caliph.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 3/06. House Built for the Khalif in Egypt.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/01. Important Lessons in 'Umar's Conquest.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/02.ii The Commander Should Be Known.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/02.iii The Commander Should Be Brave.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/02.iv He Must br Intelligent and Experienced.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/02.v He Sould be Skilled.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/02.vi Interest in the Job.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/03. Rights of Allah, Commanders and Soldiers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/03.1 Fulfilling the Trust.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/03.3 Soldiers Rights.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/03.4 Soldiers Rights.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/03.5 Soldiers Rights.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/03.6 Soldiers Rights.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/03.7 Soldiers Rights.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/04. Protecting the State' s Borders.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/04.i Protecting the State' s Borders.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/04.ii Protecting the State' s Borders.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 4/05. Relationship With other Heads of State.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/00. Final Days of 'Umar's Life.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/01 Conversation Between 'Umar and Hudhaifah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/01.i 'Umar's Supplication on His Last Pilgrimage.mp3Download
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Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/01.iv Abu Musa Al-Ashari's Dream.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/01.v Last Friday Sermon.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/01.vi 'Umar's Meeting with Hudhaifah.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/01.vii 'Umar's Prohibition .mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.i Muder of 'Umar.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.ii Innovation of a New Method.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.ii.a Members of the Council.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.ii.b Method od Electing the Caliph.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.ii.c Duration of Election Deliberations.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.ii.d Number of Votes Necessary.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.ii.e Referee for Resolving Disagreements.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/02.ii.f Contingent of Islamic Army.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/03. 'Umar's Advice to His Successor.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/03.1 Religious Aspects.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/03.2 Political Aspects.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/03.3 Military Aspects.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/03.4 Financial and Economic Aspects.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/03.5 Social Aspects.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/04. Final Moments.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/04.i Date of Birth and Age.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/04.ii Ritual Bath and Funeral Prayers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/04.iii Who Led His Funeral Prayers.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/04.iv Burial.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/04.v What 'Ali bin Abi Talib Said About Him.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/04.vi Effect of His Death on the Muslims.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.1 Important Lessons and Beneficial Points.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.10 Epilogue.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.2 Humility and Fearfulness of Allah the Almighty.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.3 Great Humbleness of 'Umar (r.a).mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.4 Commanding Good and Forbidding Evil.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.5 Permissibility to Praise Someone.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.6 Reality of Ka'b Al-Ahbar's Role1.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.6 Reality of Ka'b Al-Ahbar's Role2.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.7 Praises of Compagnions1.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.8 Views of ontemporary Scholars and Authors.mp3Download
Biography of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Volume 2/Chapter 7 - Conquest in Ash-shaam/Section 5/05.9 Views of Orientalists About 'Umar.mp3Download