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Hifz & Khatme Bukhari 2024
Madrassa An-Noor for the Blind held our annual Hifz & Khatme Bukhari Graduation Jalsa on Sunday, 8 October 2024.

Unauthorized Collection of Funds
Public Notice We have been made aware of a digital poster being circulated under the banner of Madrassa An-Noor for the Blind seeking funds. This

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Braille Quran

Braille Quran Project

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Like many others with various forms of Disability, fitting into the “Normal” world is a constant challenge. It is only when Allah Ta’ala opened His Special Door of Mercy to me that my hopeless situation changed for the better. That Door of Mercy was in fact the Gates of Madrasah an Noor for the Blind in Cedara, South Africa.
Ml Asyid Abubakr - Malaysia
Alhamdulillah, after I left Madrasah An Noor, I have been active in my community. My responsibilities are:
- Daily Maktab from 4 pm to 6pm and 10am to 12 30pm on Saturdays
- Classes in Belair on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. This class runs from 6 45pm to 8 45pm and includes adults. One adult student who is unable to make it due to Work Constraints is catered for before and after Fajr and late in the evenings.
- Teaching a special class for Blind Students on a Wednesday from 10 am to 12pm. These are university students, some of whom were introduced to Braille for the first time! The class also has a 65 year old Elder who has partial vision.
Ml Khalid Boodhu - Guyana, South America
Alhamdulillah since I have left Madrasa, I am teaching Hifz class at my local Masjid. Currently, I am teaching 34 sighted students. I am also on the board of National Huffadh Association U.K. We will be holding our first Qur’an competition of all the Huffadh in the U.K on the 16th of April. In February 2016 we held our first London Qur’an Tour visiting 11 different Masaajid and I spoke about my journey through the Qur’an.
Ml Umar Bhula, United Kingdom

A Library in His Hands

30 Year Anniversary
Construction of Our New Home
We have full confidence that your contributions will assist in fulfilling the needs of “A WORLD’S FIRST ONE-STOP ISLAMIC CENTRE FOR THE BLIND” Inshallah.
May Allah Ta’ala turn our vision into reality and may He reward you for your generosity in this world and in the Hereafter for assisting the Blind and visually impaired.