As Salaam u Alaikum wa Rahmatul Allah wa Barakatuh

All praise is due to Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala. Peace and salutations be upon our beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW)

I had the the opportunity of going to Pakistan on the 5 October 2022. Upon my arrival in Karachi I was met by our ex-graduate Moulana Waqar Yunus Sahab at Karachi Airport and the next day we visited all the Madrassas that run under his supervision at Baytul ‘Ilm.

Altogether there are 13 Madrassas and 7 schools catering for the Blind in Karachi and 17 running in the rest of Pakistan. Alhamdulillah.

On the 8th of October we visited the Taj company in Lahore. This huge company prints the Holy Qur’an and we had given them a special order to print a large print Qur’an for us. We viewed our Qur’ans and Alhamdulillah it is almost ready to be loaded on a container for shipment to South Africa.

On the 12 October we were invited to attend an interschool speech contest, white cane day and Seerah Jalsa organized by The Blind Research Foundation of Pakistan. It was held at the Muhammad Ali Jeena University in Karachi. Alhamdulillah, it was a very nice programme and the vice chancellor, Professor Doctor Zubair Shaykh was also present with a few other senior members of his university. Astonishingly, Professor Shaykh offered any Blind graduate from the Blind Research Foundation of Pakistan a full scholarship to attend the Muhammad Ali Jeena University.

The recitation of the Holy Quran and Naath of Nabi Muhammad (SAW) was very refreshing. May Allah Subhaanahu Wata’alaa accept Moulana Waqaar Sahib and his team.

We also had the opportunity of meeting Brother Shahid Memon of Pakistan Disabled Foundation and forwarded to him a sum for the flood relief of the blind in Pakistan.

May Allah reward everyone’s efforts. Ameen

Jazakallah Khayr.

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